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DF 95 Spring Regatta
May 25, 2024 - Results
" Greenville Model Yacht Club ", in Upstate South Carolina had its first Open Club DF-95 Regatta on May 25th on Lake Cooley in Spartanburg County. We had 13 participants from 5 different clubs in North Carolina and South Carolina. Triangle Model Yacht Clubs, Martin Bowers Ruled the day with impressive sailing. Queen City Model Yacht Clubs, Mike Saindon was right on Martins stern for most of the day finishing second. Greenville Model Yacht Club's Ron Rash and Mike Doyle were third and fourth with Black Mountains Franz Halaschek-Wiener coming in fifth. We were able to get in 18 races. Most important is a good time was had by all, we learned from each other, and everyone conducted themselves as gentlemen having fun !

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